• 1800009924

  • Seven Angels care and support services

On this page, Seven Angels care and support services will talk about improved daily living NDIS… what that means… and how you can access this type of support.

What is improved daily living?

Improved daily living on the NDIS helps you with general life skills, such as budgeting, cooking, cleaning, life transitions, and therapeutic supports.

Improved daily living assists you with daily living support and household activities in your home to have someone help you or teach you how to do chores such as cleaning, washing dishes, vacuuming.


If you need a lot of support every day, you may be eligible for Supported Independent Living.

Why is Improved Daily Living with NDIS so Important?

Seven Angels care and support services can provide you with assistance with daily activities to make the most of the space you have.

Imagine for a second what getting on top of your cleaning means. It means you’ll be living in a safer and more pleasant environment where you can move around with ease and use all necessary utilities.


You can also learn daily living skills such as cleaning dishes or mopping floors to make it easier for you to maintain a clean environment. 

What Are Some Ways Improved Daily Living with the NDIS Can Help You?


  • We can help you set and meet your goals to be more independent and learn how to take care of cleaning tasks around the house.
  • You can begin to live in a cleaner environment to access the utilities you need with ease within your home. 
  • Learn new skills and feel fulfilled with meeting your goals
  • Understand how you can maintain your cleaner, safer space so that you can become more independent

What Does Improved Daily Living with NDIS Look Like?

Our support workers can help you with domestic chores in:

  • The kitchen where you can get help with dishwashing, cleaning cabinets, microwaves, fridges, sinks and surfaces like benchtops, floor and walls, organising utensils and food, and preparing meals and doing grocery shopping
  • The laundry if you need help with ironing or clothes washing, hanging or organising clothes
  • The bathroom, to clean floors, tiles or glass surfaces, toilets, baths or showers 
  • The garden, if you need help raking up leaves or mowing the lawn 


And in any other room that might need cleaning, dusting, organising, mopping and more.

How can I access this support?

If you have Core Support funding for “Assistance with Daily Life” in your NDIS plan, then you can access this support from us.

Funding in your plan is flexible and is used to meet your needs. If you would like this support, then let your Support Coordinator and Support Worker know. 

If you don’t know if you have this funding in your plan, speak with your Support Coordinator or call us on 1800009924.


If you’re not with the NDIS, but you want to join and receive this support, take our fun NDIS Assessment to see if you’re eligible and get the support you need to apply.